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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #60 В: 03/20/04 в 19:52:58 » |
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #61 В: 03/22/04 в 13:44:55 » |
Commentators have warned that Hattireich's social inequalities threaten to make it an international pariah.
The Debate
"Look, I don't like it either," said Chamber of Commerce spokesperson Colin Clinton. "Just on the way here, I had to step over three homeless people, and one of my shoes got caught on a beggar. But inequality is the price we pay for economic strength. If anything, we need fewer taxes, so those of us who are well-off can afford to be more generous. If we want to, that is."
"I think we've forgotten what economic strength is all about," says social worker Konrad Nagasawa. "The economy is meant to be a means to a high standard of living, not an end in itself. It's become an excuse for the rich to prosper while the poor fall through the cracks. Not everyone is poor because they don't feel like working. We must provide more welfare."
"Who says we're an international pariah?" demands military honcho Faith Falopian. "What are their names? If that's the way the international community feels, we obviously need to prepare for war."
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #62 В: 03/22/04 в 14:21:44 » |
Конкурс красоты и бездомных - в лес.
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #63 В: 03/22/04 в 14:32:23 » |
Антрекот, а почему бездомных в лес? По-моему, вариант 2. Правда, налоги у нас высоковаты, но что делать?
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #64 В: 03/22/04 в 15:03:18 » |
Потому что не пособия нужно увеличивать, а целевые программы создавать.
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #65 В: 03/22/04 в 15:35:34 » |
А, тогда вы правы. Но если такого варианта нет, то выберу 2. Потому что в ином случае результатом будет увеличение числа бездомных, а оно нам надо?
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #66 В: 03/22/04 в 18:05:40 » |
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #67 В: 03/22/04 в 20:12:29 » |
Как-то поразительно быстро мы скатились от удивительного социального равенства до жуткого неравенства. И непонятно - с чего?
Бездомных - к красоткам, в лес.
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #68 В: 03/22/04 в 22:40:19 » |
Как-то поразительно быстро мы скатились от удивительного социального равенства до жуткого неравенства. И непонятно - с чего?
Я думаю вопросы выдаются случайно и не зависимо от текущей ситуации в стране, в расчете наверное, что все подобные проблемы вполне могут проявиться в любой стране. Хотя IMHO большинство вопросов типичны именно для западного демократического общества.
Интересно, поменяется ли подборка вопросов, если сразу увести развитие страны в сторону диктатуры или восточной деспотии.
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #69 В: 03/23/04 в 09:10:51 » |
Бездомных - dismiss.
Вопросы как-то где-то зависят от ситуации в стране (ну, то есть, в инструкции к их написанию сказано, что закон про налог на автомобили не должен выпадать стране, запретившей автомобили).
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #70 В: 03/23/04 в 17:11:28 » |
After a recent survey discovered that nearly 40% of all citizens in Hattireich are single, there has been an increasingly loud call for the legalisation of prostitution.
The Debate
"I just can't get a girl no matter what I do," laments acne-afflicted nerd, Johan O'Bannon. "If the cops would just look the other way about prostitution, it'd make my life much easier. Yeah, I'd be risking all sorts of diseases, but it's my body isn't it?"
"We can't allow this to happen!" protests Dr. Clint Wong, senior pathologist of Hattireich's largest hospital. "Prostitution is a dangerous business and must remain illegal! People need to be more aware of the consequences that could follow like the risk of contracting HIV, chlamydia, or even AIDS. I say we get some funding for a large awareness programme on sexually transmitted diseases and maybe then people will act responsibly between the covers. It'll be expensive sure, but well worth it."
"Not so fast now!" interjects daring entrepreneur, Randy Wu. "Why don't we just have the prostitution industry run by the government? By letting the government regulate prostitution, Hattireich can force any patrons to undergo tests for diseases, make prostitutes have regular medical check-ups and pay a portion of their profits to the government. Of course we'd still have to put more policemen on the streets to keep illegal brothels from popping up and make sure the hospitals are equipped to handle the extra workload, but you can always raise taxes to account for that."
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #71 В: 03/23/04 в 18:35:17 » |
Вариант 3,
правда не понимаю, зачем там повышать налоги для всех?
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #72 В: 03/23/04 в 23:02:09 » |
Красоток и бездомных - в лес, проституция - вариант 1. В Ростоке я ежедневно хожу на работу и обратно мимо частного борделя и лавки легких наркотиков, и вроде бы никто не жалуется.
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #73 В: 03/24/04 в 13:26:49 » |
In a display of unity that can best be described as "highly unnerving," criminals and law enforcement officials alike are up in arms about recent overcrowding within prisons in Hattireich.
The Debate
"I tell ya, chief... this ain't good," mutters local police chief Falala Longbottom over his morning cup of coffee. "I see these no-good mohawk-wearin' punks every day, and they're a dangerous bunch. They gotta be locked in their mudholes forever! If we can't afford to keep 'em in prison, I say we need more money! Let's just casually shift some funding from elsewhere; after all, it ain't like our welfare program is helping keep these kids away from crime."
"How can these wayward individuals find their inner selves by staring at the walls within a stone cell?" challenges human rights activist and local prison license plate maker Chastity Winters "The nation's budget is absolute proof: we cannot afford prisons... strictly because of their immorality! Let these caged birds breathe the sweet air of freedom again! Shut down all prisons in Hattireich!"
"Now hold on just a second here," says Naki Longbottom, CEO of Hattireich's most widely-known pizza delivery chain, Papa Pallocci's Pizza Pagoda. "You've got a problem with prisoners, and I've got a problem finding employees. Why don't you just send some of your criminals to Papa Pallocci's? We'll put 'em to work at lower pay as punishment for their crimes! I win, you win... the economy wins!"
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Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 5
« Ответить #74 В: 03/24/04 в 14:40:00 » |
Проституция - 1.
Панков - в лес.
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